Notices for Sunday 25th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 25th February St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Our service this morning is led by Vikki.  We offer a warm welcome to our guest speaker Laura Lenander who       concludes our mini sermon series ‘Women in the...

Notices for Sunday 18th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 18th February St Michael’s 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION: We offer a very warm welcome to our     service today led by Vikki as we continue a mini series on ‘Women in the   Bible’. Angie talks to us about 1 Samuel 1:1-28....

Notices for Sunday 11th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 11th February St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Our service today is led by Vikki.  We    especially offer a warm welcome to our guest speaker Bishop Sarah who   begins our new mini sermon series ‘Women in the...