Notices for Sunday 27th March

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches – Notices for Sunday 27th March ‘A warm welcome to our Mothering Sunday services’ St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Our special service today is led by Matthew. This morning James talks to us...

Notices for Sunday 20th March

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches – Notices for Sunday 20th March St Michael’s 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION: Jane leads our service this morning and Robyn talks to us about confession, what it means to confess. 1 John 1:5-10 and Mark 1:1-5 6.30pm...

Notices for Sunday 6th March

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches – Notices for Sunday 6th March CAP SUNDAY St Michael’s 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION: Welcome to our special CAP service today led by Matthew. Our CAP Debt Centre Manage Jane will be talking to us about Christians...

Notices for Sunday 27th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches – Notices for Sunday 27th February FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 21st Feb – 6th Mar St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: A warm welcome to our service today led by Matthew. Vikki talks to us about...