St John’s Muxton and St Michael’s Lilleshall
Children and Young People
Policy compiled 2016
Last Review September 2022
The PCCs will take all reasonable care to ensure the safety of the children and young people of St John’s & St Michael’s Churches for whom they bear responsibility. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Janice Stackhouse and can be contacted on 01952 670033. If you are concerned that a child or young adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact our Safeguarding Coordinator or the Lichfield Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01543 306030. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children and young adult social care services.
We recognise that children by virtue of legal status and dependency on adults for their emotional and physical needs will always be vulnerable and at a disadvantage. We commit to considering this in our children’s activities – undertaking supervision of staff working with them and risk assessing activities and groups as a check and balance in our work.
To read about Safeguarding – Vulnerable Adults click here
1. Janice Stackhouse is our approved Safeguarding Officer and James Tagg is Deputy Safeguarding Officer for the calendar year 2022 and she is the point of contact through which concerns about children and adult safeguarding will be channelled. The Safeguarding Co-ordinator can not be an active parish clergy member or a relative of clergy (this being a conflicting interest)
2. She is responsible to the PCCs for ensuring that these procedures are implemented.
3. She will ensure that concerns about a child or the behaviour of an adult are appropriately reported to the statutory agencies and the diocesan safeguarding children advisor
4. Lesley Trotman along with the Young Peoples group co-ordinators are the named people approved by the PCCs to co-ordinate the validation of all people working with children and young people for whom the PCCs are responsibility for.
5. Jan Stackhouse and Lesley Trotman are responsible to the PCCs for ensuring that these procedures are implemented.
6. Lesley Trotman, for St John’s, and Helen Jones, for St Michael’s, are responsible for the approval on behalf of the PCCs for all those under the age of 18 working with children and young people for whom the PCCs are responsibility for
7. The PCCs will work towards adopting the recommendations of the House of Bishops as published in the Policy for Safeguarding Children Protecting All God’s Children (2010) andPromoting safer church 2017
8. .In line with Church representation and Charity Commission Rules it is essential for members of the PCC to undertake an Enhanced DBS check; if a member refuses to undergo this process they will not be allowed to serve on the PCC’s of St John’s & St Michael’s
9. The PCCs will ensure full compliance with Health and Safety Guidelines.
10. The PCCs are directly responsible for the following groups which include children & young people
Tiny Tots | 0-5yrs |
LIGHT | 0-5yrs |
SAS | 5-10yrs |
Pathfinders | 5-10yrs |
Sub:Zero/Extra | 10yrs+ |
Spark | 10yrs+ |
Bell ringers and choir members | under 18 yrs |
+ Occasional events during the year |
The groups meet either during the Sunday Service, Sunday evening and midweek day and evenings.
- The following groups who hire St John’s premises are required to satisfy the PCC that they have a Safeguarding policy. If they do not have their own policy, the PCC present their own Safeguarding policy for the group to adopt and implement the principles relevant to their group in order to safeguard the children and young people in their care.
Name of group | Own policy | St John’s policy |
Slimming World | ? | |
Tiny Tots | ? | |
Girlguiding: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Senior section | ? | |
Private Parties | ? | |
Knit & Natter | ? |
James Memorial Hall
Groups who regularly hire The James Memorial Hall in Lilleshall are required to have and operate their own safeguarding policies. They should provide a copy of these for the inspection of the Memorial Hall Committee. If they do not have their own safeguarding policy or the Memorial Hall Committee decide that a policy is inadequate, then they will be required to adopt St John’s and St Michael’s policies. Failure by a group to assure the Memorial Hall Committee of satisfactory safeguarding arrangements will result in the hire being cancelled. The Memorial Hall Committee is responsible for reporting to Lilleshall PCC at least annually on the operation of these arrangements and ensuring that groups who abide by the St John’s and St Michael’s policies are made aware of updates. Sylvia Jukes is the named person for safeguarding for the Memorial Hall.
12. Safer Recruitment Policy: Leaders of groups aged 18 and over whether employee or volunteers
- Applicants will be required to complete the Lichfield Diocesan declaration.
- Applicants will be required to provide two references using the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy form; for session leaders 2 references from the church community will be sufficient. (1 being the Vicar)
- New Applicants will be required to attend interview
- Before appointment or the continuation of any appointment, appointees may need to apply for and supply clearance from the Disclosure & Barring Service.
Young People aged 16 or 17 may help with groups but must be supervised by an adult worker and cannot be counted as part of the staffing. Under 16s may act as helpers but should not have responsibility for children and must be supervised.
13. Staff-Child Ratios
0-2 years 1 person for every 3 children
2-3 years 1 person for every 4 children
3-8 years 1 person for every 8 children
Over 8 years 1 person for the first 8 children and then 1 extra person for every extra 12 children
The ratios are guidelines that we should aim to work to; however it is recognised that some groups span the identified age bands and leaders will need to take this into account when allocating staff. A minimum of 2 adults/leaders should be present when directly undertaking work with a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
14. Only suitable and responsible people may become key holders, references will be taken up in accordance with the Safer Recruitment policy and they will be required to complete the Lichfield Diocese Declaration. Access and Usage of Church Buildings will be monitored as far as is reasonably possible.
15. Completed declaration forms and references will be treated as confidential and held securely in the church office. In the event of a vacancy, the Rural Dean or Archdeacon will be made aware of where they are kept.
16. The PCCs will use the Disclosure & Barring Service for checking leaders’ criminal records where appropriate. This will be done via the Safeguarding Office, St Mary’s House, The Close, Lichfield. WS13 7LD. It is the responsibility of the applicant to show Lesley the certificate and provide the DBS number when received. As of 2022 DBS checks are
required every 3 years (not 5 yearly as previously required), following changes to safer recruitment policy by the National Church.
17. The PCCs require groups listed in 10 to provide, in writing, at least the following:
- A list of its current leaders and details of their roles, provision for training and support.
- When and where the group meets, its normal working pattern and the age range it covers.
- The Vicar will review this information annually. Lesley Trotman will manage this task.
- This will be reported to the PCCs on an annual basis
18. The PCCs require groups that are working with children and young people:
- To agree clear roles for leaders
- Set up structures to train and support their leaders in their roles
- Agree statements of working practice.
19. The PCCs will provide leaders, and those working in Safeguarding, access to guidance and training in the understanding of children and young people abuse at the start of their time in post and refreshed after 3 years. It is the responsibility of the post holder and volunteer to attend training, failure to do so could result in stopping their post.
Training modules requirements::
- Basic Awareness – accessible to all (Internet Module)
- Foundation – Required for persons working with vulnerable adults, young persons, and children in any capacity (Internet Module).
- Safeguarding Co-ordinator Induction Module Compulsory for all Safeguarding Co-ordinators. (taught Module).
- Safeguarding Leadership Training – Required for Safeguarding co-ordinators, wardens, Clergy/PTO’s/Readers. Must be undertaken every 3 years. (taught module).
- Safer Recruitment Training. A representative of the Parish must complete. (Internet Module).
20. The PCCs will publish on the notice boards at the back of the church and in the Church Hall, a copy of the Diocesan Safe Guarding Flow Chart (available on the Diocesan website). In addition, all validated leaders and key holders will be given a copy.
21. The PCCs will carry public liability insurance and will insure all leaders and staff for personal accident.
22. St John’s and St Michael’s will ensure they have in place Insurance cover retention –that cover against claims made for damages by survivors of church-based abuse. Proof of insurance cover will be kept for a minimum period of 75 years.
23. Church Staff will not utilise church owned property for residency or shelter of vulnerable persons without informing the rural dean, archdeacon, or a Bishop. The diocese safeguarding team should be aware if this occurs. An appropriate risk assessment must be undertaken before using a vicarage building in this way.
This does not apply to visiting friends and family for personal stays and specifically applies only to the provision of accommodation in the context of a place of safety.
24. The PCCs will implement a plan to monitor annually that the procedures are being followed.
25. The PCCs will make a copy of this policy and its procedures available, if requested, at The Archdeacon’s visitation.
26. This Policy and its procedures will be monitored by the Safeguarding Co-ordinator and sub group of the PCCs who will report to the PCC annually.
27. For E- safety safeguarding arrangements refer to St John’s and St Michael’s E – safety procedures for children & Young People, E-safety policy for children & young people and E-safety agreement.
28. Photographs of children and young people involved in church activities can only be taken with the permission of parents; similarly photographs of children must not be shared without the permission of their parents.
29. Workers, paid and voluntary are not to use their mobile phones whilst involved in any activity where they have a responsibility for children and young people.
30. Confidential notes of safeguarding incidents will only be kept where it is essential for the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and should be recorded on a Cause for Concern template: All records will be kept in a private Dropbox folder of which only the incumbent and co-ordinator will have access to these records. In the case of a change of incumbent or Co-ordinator the notes will be passed on to the new post-holders. Records will be held for a 75 year period.
31. It is recommended that parish safeguarding co-ordinators identify their counterparts in other faith groups locally and build/ maintain communications locally.
32. The PCCs will review the policy and its procedures annually in the month of May. The parish checklist will be completed annually.
33. St John’s and St Michael’s via their PCC’s commit to operate in line with all Diocese and national level polices on Safeguarding and this will be recorded on PCC minutes
St John’s & St Michael’s churches appoint Janice Stackhouse to represent the concerns and views of children and young people at our meetings and to outside bodies as Parish Safeguarding Officer.
Incumbent ………………………………….
Churchwarden ……………………………………………………………………….. St John’s
Churchwarden ………………………….. ………………………………………… St Michael’s.
Date ………………………………………………………………………
Everyday Faith