May 30, 2021 | Livestream |
Here is our podcast for the 30th May. If you wish to join in with the live Zoom service next week, please contact the church office who will be able to forward you details. Matthew Speaks on the Topic – Is Jesus God?
May 23, 2021 | Livestream |
Here is our podcast for the 23rd May. If you wish to join in with the live Zoom service next week, please contact the church office who will be able to forward you details. James Tagg speaks in the 6th of our series ‘Do You Know Him?’ on the theme “With Us....
May 16, 2021 | Livestream |
Here is our podcast for the 16th May. If you wish to join in with the live Zoom service next week, please contact the church office who will be able to forward you details. In the 5th in our series DoYouKnowHim, Matthew, our Vicar, speaks about Jesus, the Ascended...
May 9, 2021 | Livestream |
Here is our podcast for the 9th May. If you wish to join in with the live Zoom service next week, please contact the church office who will be able to forward you details. This week Robyn continues our series of “Do you know Him?” with the title of the...
May 2, 2021 | Livestream |
Here is our podcast for the 2nd May. If you wish to join in with the live Zoom service next week, please contact the church office who will be able to forward you details. This week Jan Stackhouse speaks on ‘Crucified’ in the 3<sup>rd</sup> talk in our...