In and Around Muxton
Muxton is a pleasant suburb of Telford and Lilleshall is a village situated between Telford and Newport in Shropshire. These are links to some of the local facilities. We cannot guarantee that all these groups keep their web pages up to date.
Church Information
Sub:Zero – cafe for school years 7-9
Our adjacent church
St Matthews, Donnington Wood
Recreation and Sports
Lilleshall Golf Club
Lilleshall Cricket Club
Lilleshall Village Tennis Club
Lilleshall Hall Bowls Club
Local Groups
Lilleshall Residents Association
Lilleshall Panto & Drama Group
Lilleshall Post Office
Lilleshall Serve and Store, Memorial Hall Hillside, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 9HG
Tuesday and Wednesday morning 10 -12am

Karate – Little Dragons
We are a friendly Shotokan Karate Club.
Little Dragons meets in Lilleshall Memorial Hall every Tuesday during school term-time:
6pm Juniors – Waiting List
7pm Seniors – Newcomers Welcome
On the third Tuesday of the month the evening moves to Wednesday.
Your Commitee members are:
Dave Eccleston – Licences
Amit Chouhan – Club Literature

Lilleshall Memorial Hall
Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults
We take seriously the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care. We hold Safeguarding Policies for Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Safeguarding Officer: Sylvia Jukes
Safeguarding Policies can be found on Memorial Hall notice board.
All functions catered for: Club meetings, Childrens Parties, Wedding, Anniversary and Christening Parties.
To book the hall please contact:-
Chris Bird on 01952 929852 or 07776156575 (Please do not contact St Michael’s as we are unable to help you with this request)
For further information please contact:-
Chair of Memorial Hall Committee, Pam Millard 01952 670437

Lilleshall Relief in Need Charity
The Lilleshall Relief in Need Charity is able to give financial assistance to persons who live in the ecclesiastical parishes of Lilleshall, Muxton and Donnington Wood. If the application is for a child (ie under 18) the form should be completed by an adult, preferably a parent or guardian. Grants cannot be given for educational purposes.
If you would like to apply to the charity, please contact us using our contact form.

Lilleshall Women’s Institute
Lilleshall WI Meetings are held at the Memorial Hall on the third Tuesday of each month (except August). We have friendly meetings with speakers and also outings. Everyone is welcome.
For more information contact:
Frances Taylor, President, telephone 01952 604718
Or Virginia Johnson, Secretary – 01952 tbc

Lilleshall Village Tennis Club
There is plenty of fun coaching at the club.
You may be an experienced player who feels a little rusty, or a complete beginner, it doesn’t matter.
If you are interested please call Pauline Coffey on 01952 604757.

Everyday Faith