Notices for Sunday 26th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 26th February St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: A warm welcome to our service today led by Heiko. Paula continues our series ‘Handing on the Baton of the Gospel’ today talking...

Notices for Sunday 12th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 12th February St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Our service this morning will be led by Matthew. Today we offer a warm welcome to guest speaker James Mildred who is CARE’s Director of...

Notices for Sunday 5th February

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 5th February St Michael’s 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION: Welcome to our service today led by Matthew. Today he continues our sermon series ‘Handing on the baton of the Gospel’ looking at 2...