Notices for Sunday 30th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 30th July St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP + BAPTISM: Good morning and welcome to our service today led by Jan.  James talks to us about Nehemiah 3:1-8 and Ephesians 4:12-16.  We would also like to offer a warm...

Notices for Sunday 23rd July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 23rd July St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Good morning and welcome to our service today led by James.  Matthew talks to us about ‘The Death of Saul’ 1    Samuel 31:1-13 and  John 5:19-27....

Notices for Sunday 16th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 16th July St Michael’s 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION: A warm welcome to our service today led by James.  John talks to us about “What time is it?” Ecclesiastes 3:1-11  (NIV) and 1           Corinthians...

Notices for Sunday 9th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 9th July St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP + BAPTISM: Good morning and welcome to our service today led by our vicar Matthew.  Our curate Vikki talks to us about ‘David & Goliath’ 1 Samuel 17: 32-50.  We...