This Month’s Services

Every Sunday 9.30 am at St Michael’s, Lilleshall

This service lasts for approximately 30 minutes and is shortened because of the current restrictions.  There is a short talk, we pray and listen to readings and music. Occasionally we celebrate Holy Communion.

Every Sunday 11.00 am at St John’s, Muxton
This service lasts for approximately 50 minutes and takes place at St John’s and is also livestreamed through YouTube ‘St John’s Muxton’. There is a longer talk, we pray and listen to readings. There is also sung worship which those who are viewing from home may join in with.

12noon Worship Lunch and Music (WLM) at St Michael’s, Lilleshall
1st Thursday of most months and weekly during Lent. A service of Holy Communion followed by a lunch and a short recital. There is no cost for the lunch, but a donation is invited.


Everyday Faith