Apr 22, 2022 | Notices |
St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 24th April and 1st May 24th April St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: Welcome to our service this morning led by David. We also offer a very warm welcome to our guest speaker Rev Chris Densham...
Apr 8, 2022 | Notices |
St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 10th April St Michael’s 9.30am MORNING WORSHIP: A warm welcome to our service on Palm Sunday. Our service today is led by Vikki and John talks to us about ‘Listen’ from our...
Apr 1, 2022 | Notices |
St Michael’s 9.30am ANNUAL MEETING: Welcome to our service this morning when we will be hearing about the life of our church in 2021, elect Church Wardens and PCC members. Vacancies:- Church Wardens: 2 one year vacancies (Applications to be received before the...