Notices for Sunday 28th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 28th July St Michael’s 9.30am Morning Worship + Baptism: Welcome to our service today led by Matthew.  David talks to us in the next of our Ephesians series  ‘Mature in our relationships’.  We also offer a very...

Notices for Sunday 21st July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 21st July St Michael’s 9.30am Holy Communion: A warm welcome to our service today led by Jane. Robyn continues our series on the book of Ephesians looking at ‘God’s      purpose for his Church’. Ephesians 4:1-6....

Notices for Sunday 14th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 14th July St Michael’s 9.30am Morning Worship: Our service this morning is led by Vikki and Matthew continues our sermon series today looking at Ephesians 3.   Prayer Ministry is available after the service....

Notices for Sunday 7th July

St John’s and St Michael’s Churches Notices for Sunday 7th July St Michael’s 9.30am Holy Communion: Good morning and a warm welcome to our service today led by Matthew. Jan continues our new sermon series on the book of Ephesians today talking about ’Reconciled...